10 Most Common Electrical Code Violations

Electrical contractors in Joplin, MO

Electricity is one of the most important utilities in a home, and electrical code violations can be some of the most dangerous. Here are the top 10 most common electrical code violations that inspectors find.

  1. Lack of Grounding: One of the most common electrical code violations is a lack of grounding. This means that the electrical system is not properly grounded, and can pose a serious safety hazard.
  2. Lack of GFCI Outlets: Another common electrical code violation is a lack of GFCI outlets. These outlets are designed to protect against electrical shock and are required in many areas of the home.
  3. Improper Wiring: Improper wiring is another common electrical code violation. This can include using the wrong size wire for the application, using the wrong type of wire, or not following the correct wiring procedures.
  4. Lack of Smoke Alarms: Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, and on every level of the home.
  5. Lack of Carbon Monoxide Alarms: Like smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms are a vital part of home safety, and their absence is a common electrical code violation. These alarms should be installed in every bedroom, and on every level of the home.
  6. Improper Use of Extension Cords: Extension cords are a common sight in many homes, but they are often used improperly. Extension cords should only be used on a temporary basis, and should not be used as a permanent solution.
  7. Overloaded Circuits: Another common electrical code violation is overloaded circuits. This occurs when too many appliances or devices are plugged into one circuit and can cause a serious fire hazard.
  8. Exposed Wiring: Exposed wiring is a hazard because it can easily be damaged, and can pose a serious shock hazard. Any exposed wiring should be covered, or replaced by electrical contractors in Joplin, MO.
  9. Improperly Rated Light Fixtures: Light fixtures must be properly rated for the area in which they will be used. Failure to do so is a common electrical code violation and can pose a serious fire hazard.
  10. Tampering with the Electrical System: Tampering with the electrical system is a serious safety hazard, and is a common electrical code violation. This includes making unauthorized repairs or modifications to the electrical system.


Electrical code violations are serious safety hazards that should be corrected as soon as possible. If you suspect an electrical code violation in your home, contact a qualified electrician to have it corrected.